Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Assinement 11

Friday, March 6, 2009

Assiment 9

Dear diary....
Today, when I was walking around the colonie I saw a new face I did not recognise him..... I herd a rumor that some of the rebels from U.S.A. and I think that He is a rebel. But the thing is we do NOT want any rebels in our colonie because it would give our colonie a bad name and soon trouble will come to us even tho we didn't do any thing. Tomorrow I am going to tell the sheriff that there is a rebel in our colonie and hopefully he would put an end to him. But why would any one betray our good queen?
But if this keeps up then maybe my dear daughter, and all the other children will be tempted to join the rebels when they grow up. All the rebels should be hanged for all there crimes against our queen! I just hope that our good queen will put an end to this!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

assinement 8

Hello, today we have a ghost his name is Louis Riel and he would like us to interview him. So Mr Riel when were you born and how did you get executed? I was born 1844 and I got hung........ Oh that's a brutal way to die so what did you do before you died. Well I was in a group called "Red River Settlement" back then we resisted against our government. And did you have a family and if you did what year did you marry? Yeah I had wife and two kids and i got married at 1881. Do you regret rebelling? No I think I did the right thing. Oh yeah I forgot to ask you where were you born. I was born in Manitoba. Did you know that theres a Holiday named after you? No I did not when is it? February 18 and the first family day was at 2008! is there anything else you would like to say before this interview is over? Yes i would like to thank you for interviewing me! Well ok folks that was louis Riel see you tomorow

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Assinement 7

Question 1: Out of all the Canadian personality's the one that interested me the most was the "we founded" personality because it was the most one that caught the most of my attention. 1B: The personality that interested me the most was Timothy Eaton because he made fixed prices, price tags, and money back guarantees. He is my favorite because if he didn't make the money back grantee then dissatisfied customers would not be able to return there item that they didn't like. 1C: But Timothy Eaton wasn't the only personality that got my attention here are some other personality's who were interesting.... Adelaide Hoodless, Alphonse Desjardins, and Lotta Hitschmanova they all be longed to the "we founded" section. 1D: On the Mystery History Maker Match up I found out that i have the most in commin with Arthur Lismer and no i did not know it was him but the thing is he was liked teaching and i hate teaching. 1E: Hello my name is Youssef Hamdan and I am the best video game player on the planet!!!! When i was growing up i loved video games and i was soooooooo awsome at every game. One of my many accomplishments are i beat every single video game on the face of the earth!!!!!!! But some of my other accomplishments are opening a public school, and wining a thousand video game competitions. But now I'm am trying to end world hunger, and put food on every ones table, and trying to end to racism.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

assinement 7

Hi, today i went to the canadian History museum's website and its a really cool website! The category that interested me the most was "we founded" because it has some interesting facts like did you know that the monney back garanty garanty sighn was made by Timothy Eaton? Thats not all he made he also made fixed prices,and price tags came from him. He is my faverite canadian personality becouse if we didnt have these deals today then many people might

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment #6: Black History Month

Today im am going to talk about the Underground Railroad.The Underground Railroad was chain of secret routes and safe houses used in 19th century by black slaves in the U.S to escape to Canada. The Underground Railroad helped around 30000 people from being slaves for the rest of there lives . The leader of the UnderGround Railroad was Harriet Tubman, she was also a slave. If it wasn't for Harriet Tubman and here followers most of the black people would have still be enslaved and alot of them would have also died. Information about the escaped slaves made there owners really mad so they hierd bounty hunters to catch tem and bring them back the bounty hunters were known as Slave catchers. The websites I used to help me with this are..., and

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

what would canada look like in 2109

Today I am going to talk about our future. I say that Barack Obama is going to play a big role because he was the first black president there will be many other presidents not only in the US but in Canada and hopefully other places as well. But Canada is takeing advantage of its lumber sure we have more then enough but what will hapen if we run out? I say by the time its the year 2109 we will have much more beter tecnoagy so we will be able to recycle bad air to good air. I also predict that we WILL have a PS19 and a XBOX 190345

Monday, January 26, 2009


Hi, today i was I wondering why the first Canadian settlers who came here from Europe didn't go back to France as soon as they saw the rough, long winter. I think they didn't go back because there were rare spices and a other riches. But they also had to stay on a boat for more then a month just to get here so I dont think they would want to experience that again. If it wasn't for the First Nations, even more of the French settlers might have died from scurvy but the First Nations were nice enough to give them the cure to scurvy as well as teaching them to hunt, and snow shoe. I asked my father how his first winter in canada was, he said "it was very cold because i just came from a country where it almost never snows so i had barley any long sleeve sweters so i had to wear the same thing over and over again for the first month" But he also said it was a very fun experience because, it was the first time he saw snow. The sites i used for information are, and

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hey, my name is Youssef and I'm going to start a blog on Canadian history. I am SOOOOOO happy we don't have to use those dull textbooks ha ha. I am looking forward to posting some new posts, and games. My teacher(Miss Pollock) also has a blog on Canadian history follow the link to check it out and be sure to leave feed back and comments and i hope to see you guys later bye bye :D